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Recipient City: Kyiv
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Chocolate Roses Bouquet

Chocolate Roses Bouquet

Chocolate Roses Bouquet
Product code: 948

Chocolate Roses Bouquet


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Recipient City: Kyiv

Region: Kiev Region

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I M P O R T A N T !! Please, order this gift at least 5 business days prior the delivery date as it has to be mailed by Post to our flower shop for delivery.

Roses are making from the high quality Belgian chocolate after you place order at our site. Weight of 1 roses is 15 grams.

The diameter of 1 roses is 3 cm.

27 roses bouquet is small, the total diameter is up to 15 cm

51 roses bouquet diameter is 25 cm

Our photo shows bouquet of 27 chocolate roses.

Please, choose the number of roses for your bouquet.

Please, choose the number of roses for your bouquet

In the rare event that a substitution is necessary when buying a gift, products of similar style and quality will be used, and the value of that substitution will always be of the same or higher value.

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