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The Bouquet of Daisies

The Bouquet of Daisies

The Bouquet of Daisies
Product code: 391

The Bouquet of Daisies


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Recipient City: Kyiv


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The Bouquet of Daisies is a wonderful chance to make your dear one happy, to bring up the spirit!

ATTENTION: Daisies are blossoming in June - beginning of July. So, this bouquet is available at these months only. At other months of the year the bouquet that looks absolutely same, can be composed with the Chrysanthemums of a spesial sort called "Daisies-Chrysanthemums". Moreover, 25 daisies can be substituted with 13 stems of daisies-chrysanthemums. In such a bouquet of 13 chrysanthemum stems 50 daisies flowers will be included, as each stem has at least 3-4 flowers on, but usually there are more buds there!

Another bonus is that Daisies-Chrysanthemums stay alive for a much more long time than Daisies.

The daisies-chrysanthemums can seen by following to this link:

25 daisies can be substituted with 13 stems of chrysanthemums
35 - for a bouquet of 17 chrysanthemum stems
45 - for a bouquet of 19 stems
55 - for a bouquet of 21 stems
101 - for a really huge bouquet with 37 chrysanthemum stems.

As drawing up bouquets is a creative process, the view of this bouquet, as well as any other one, can be different from what you see at our photo.

Please, choose the number of flowers at your bouquet.

In the rare event that a substitution is necessary when buying a gift, products of similar style and quality will be used, and the value of that substitution will always be of the same or higher value.

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