Please, order this item at least 1-2 days prior the delivery date
It's a real temptation and it is so seducing! And when it
is seducing there is no forbidding that can stop you and enjoy it!
This basket
includes chocolate bar, candies, pastry, biscuits, jasmine green tea,
black tea, strawberry jam, honey and … lemons. Just a bit to acid:))
Bon Appetite:
- Chocolates Ritter Sport - 2 pcs.
- Toblerone chocolate - 1 pc,
- a box of Ferrero Rocher, 200 gr
- box of other good chocolates, import.
- a jar of chocolate cream (for example, Nutella or another)
- 2 packets of cookies
- a box of Zephir (a tasty thing a bit similar to marshmallows)
- a box of chocolate glazed Zephir (marshmallows)
- a jam jar
- a jar of honey
- a pack of green tea with jasmine
- a pack of black tea
- 2 lemons.
Thanks and I really appreciate the way you communicate about the delivery and report and helped me for everything . This was the best service i ever got for any online deliveries. Thanks a lot again.